
My Experience Acquiring Autism — 4 Comments

  1. John,
    Hi! I know your mom and dad, your sister, Patricia and your brother, James.
    I have watched you since you were little. I have seen how your family loves you. I have heard you in church and thanked God that our community was welcoming for you (I hope it was and always is). I love how your dad smiles when he is with you. Your mom has that patient love in her eyes. These posts are phenomenal!!! What is Poorman and what happened?? Autism is such a mystery to me. I have come across it in my family and in the classroom. Suffering is usually attached. I pray that you are convinced of your “belovedness” to God.

  2. Dear Lisa,
    Thank you for your knowing words of understanding really feeling that God has always taken care of me. Ways of being autistic from the past are changing as I express myself from the perspective of being a powerful writer. Rather than find awful things in my past, I am flowing with the possibilities of the future. Those of us with autism know wasted time takes reclaiming our futures with more urgency. Till I’m where I need to be, everything is looked at through seemingly accelerated urgency.

    Poorman is Laura Poorman, the daughter of Bob and Caye Poorman at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. If you know kids who can’t communicate, she might be able to help. Thanks for writing. It means a lot. God bless you.

    John Smyth

  3. Hello John
    I was blessed to have the chance to meet your father this evening at a not so pleasent place, My grandfathers showing. Your dad and my grandfather knew each other through Our Lady Mt Carmel and I believe he was his lawyer for his estate. Anyhoo, when talking with your dad he took my email and sent me your site. I have been blown away at what I have read so far. Its hard to believe that you have only been talking for a year and half. I guess I should tell you a little about myself, my name is Rachael and I have been working with children and young adults with Autism for 4 years now I am also in grad school studying Behavior Analysis. I can relate to a lot of what you have said about growing up and people/ teachers not understanding you as a person and disregarding you because they dont know how to help. Well I want you to know that Behavior Analysis has come along and sadly to say it has only been in the last couple of years, we as therapist are using the I-pads, I-phone, I -touches as forms of commuincating and OMG the difference in the childs life is phenomenal. Each child with Autism is there own special person but each child is there own person meaning each have there own personality, attitude, and a loving side to them regardless of having behaviors or not. Its us as teachers/ therapists and parents to take the time to figure out this about a child. I am touched by your words and dont want you to give up.. The sky is the limit for you and I can tell you have a lot to say :) You have a great way of speaking and I hope you educate more with your sights and understandings with someone with Autism. God Bless you John and cant wait to read more in the future.

  4. Rachel, I couldn’t have said it as well as you but John’s ability to express himself in such a beautiful articulite way is overwhelming!