Talking Truth to Lies
Dad asked me, “What do you say about where wants and selfishness come from?”
Here’s my response:
Wants are from seeing ourselves each differently from each other. With tasting the amazing differences in life, we say “some are loaded with a pleasure that we don’t experience” in our speech, as if it awesomely exists in others. We forget who is doing the saying. We act like truth is somewhere else when, for wandering about in life, we do quietly the creating all day, each day. We would experience more fear of joy with a focus on others initially, and ecstacy waits behind that as released each day for wanting another’s sadness to assume love and power saves our world at the same time as our own lives. Selfishness is in our conversation. We lie about our opportunities to cover it and save what really sins we insipidly like. We do this at the cost of each day being in relationship and cooperation with God.
One understanding helpful awesomely and powerfully is, “Open love is what sin amazingly eats apart quietly each our sense of community only to replace it singly with so much confusion and distortion in isolated sacred chambers of want and personal self importance.” In the wonderful interim, incredible lost yesterdays of awesome power to transform those around us mount and will be visible only at death. While only a sliver of our potential is ever realized, oasis-like isolation keeps us unassuming pygmies peacefully asleep to our potential. When we open our eyes, please Lord there is sufficient time for mercy. Amen. Tasting your language gift, Lord, may we find our freedom and awesome love in the needy. Amen. Only in a break departing away from our lying ways and taking responsibility fearfully for the creation around us do we AWESOMELY ENGAGE WITH HIS WILL.