Update of last 6 months, Feb. 11, 2012
The most powerful and important thing I did since we were last together was the Landmark Forum. I learned powerful distinctions about the difference between what happens to me and how I interpret it. I saw that I often was holding back from daily work because I really was not going to give 100% if people were going to abandon me. Really I saw that decisions from my past were running even possibilities for the future. I saw how to choose a different future, to give 100% really since its mine, and to team with others to get things important completed. Since we were together, I’ve begun school at Brownsburg High School, travelled to Taiwan, tested out of middle school Math and have an A in algebra, but the Forum was the most important thing I’ve done. Next month I do another course, and I see power and possibility awesomely more available than ever before.
I enjoyed my time talking to a Buddhist monk and making friends with many people in Taiwan and the terrific support of the people in Brownsburg High School, especially my friend and supporter Kriss has changed my life in ways I only dreamed of 6 months ago. Thank you, Kriss.
Really people want us to succeed. Our challenges are more internal than external once we get the chance. Thanks for being on this journey with me. I couldn’t ask for better friends. Let’s powerfully find how to help others like us join our merry band. I appreciate you.
John Smyth